The most important buildings of the town are the Tower of John Hawkwood and Palazzo Sforza; both were completely destroyed and later accurately rebuilt according to their original features. The former is the symbol of the town and still houses the original bell that survived the 1944 German bombings; the latter was the palace of the Sforza family during their rule over the town. In 1892 Palazzo Sforza was officially declared "National artistic and historical monument"; it was rebuilt in 1961 and some original fragments were incorporated into the new building, such as the beautiful terracotta coat of arms of the Sforza, the pillars of the arcade and the Roman stone of Caio Vario (A.D. 30 - 49). It houses the town museum Museo Varoli and the archive. Casa Varoli is the museum-house of the local artist Luigi Varoli (1889 - 1958).